In Ayurveda, hypertension is considered Raktagata Vata. The cause of hypertension is both physical and mental. Stressful lifestyles play an important role in triggering hypertension. Physical factors include hormonal variation, old age, sleeplessness, chronic constipation, Srodhorodha, and metabolic disorders. Due to this etiology, the vata will get vitiated and affect the rakta, with the other two doshas causing hypertension.
There are two methods for managing hypertension. One is a preventive approach in which life-style modification is done through Nidanaparivarjana ahara and vihara. Another is a curative method in which shodana or shamana therapy is done on the basis of etiology. The man-made forest atmosphere of Shatam Jeeva will ease mental stress and purify the respiratory system with pure air. Ayurvedic therapies like Vasti, Shirodhara, Nasyam will help cure hypertension. Sarpagandha and Brahmi are some of the herbs that are beneficial.