ॐ शतं जीव शरदो वर्धमानः शतं हेमन्ताञ्छतमु वसन्तान् l
शतमिन्द्राग्नी सविता बृहस्पतिः शतायुषा हविषेमं पुनर्दुः ll
Aum shatam jeeva sharado vardhamaanah shatam hemantaanchhatamu vasantaan l shatamindraagnee savitaa bruhaspatih shataayuShaa haviShemam punarduh ll
[Oh Lord! May you (Child) prosperously live a hundred years through a hundred springs, summers and winters. May the Lord, who Knows everything, Pervades everywhere, the Source of all the Knowledge and Energy that supports this entire universe [Indra, Agni, Savithav, Brihaspathy], grant you material, intellectual and spiritual sustenance for one hundred years again and again.
साग्रं वर्षशतं जीव, पिब, खाद च मोद च l
आयुर्बलं यशः प्रज्ञां प्राप्तुयाः शुभसम्पदाम् ll
saagram varshashatam jeeva piba khaada cha moda cha l
aayurbalam yashah prajnaam praaptuyaah shubhasampadaam ll
[May you live your entire life joyfully for a hundred years with enough food, ever growing physical strength, long life, fame, intellect, wisdom, prosperity and attain glory in all your endeavors.]
इन्द्र श्रेष्ठानि द्रविणानी धेहि चित्तीं दक्षस्य सुभगत्वमस्म l
पोषं रयीणामरिष्टिं तनूना स्वाद्मानं वाचः सुदिनत्वमहनाम् ll
Indra shreshtani dravinanee dhehi chitteem dakshasya subhagatvamasma lposham rayeenamarishtim tanoona svadmanam vachah sudinatvamahanam ll
[O Lord! Please grant this child the highest of knowledge, wealth, strength and courage. Grant him vigilance or alertness and caution, good fortune, boundless prosperity, health, life free from obstacles and sweetness of speech. May every day of the life of this child be auspicious.]