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Obesity is one of the nutritional disorders that results in increased body weight and fat deposition, in all age groups. Due to fast food culture and a sedentary lifestyle, excess fat deposition takes place in our bodies due to the dysfunction of medo dhatu agni, resulting in medo dhatu dushti. According to Ayurveda, Sthoulya is Santharpana janya vyadhi (over nourishment of the body). On the long run, it may cause Hypertension, degenerative disorders, diabetes, cardiac issues, acidity, cholesterol, depression, etc.

Ayurvedic treatment aims at correction of dietary patterns in the form of nidanaparivarjana, pathya aharavihara, apatarpana chikitsa, etc., to correct vitiated dosha and agni. Cycling, yoga, and nature walks will help to keep our body and mind active, which is also an important part of the therapy. Ayurvedic panchakarma therapies like vasti,virechana, Udwartana, and choorna panda sweda are really effective in curing this condition.

Holistic Treatments

1-inch piece of cinnamon boiled in 1 L water and to be taken daily. Doing regular excercise, avoid day sleep and reduce intake of carbohydrates, sweets and carbonated water will help to reduce weight. Regular practice of suryanamaskara will help to loose excess of fat deposition.




Constipation is a very common gastro-intestinal disorder experienced by most people at some point during their lives.



In Ayurveda, hypertension is considered Raktagata Vata. The cause of hypertension is both physical and mental.



Obesity is one of the nutritional disorders that results in increased body weight and fat deposition, in all age groups.

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Shatam Jeeva Wellness
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