Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disorder that mainly affects the weight bearing joints. The most common sites to get affected are the knees, hips, and hands. Ayurveda considers it Sandhigatavata. Intake of ruksha, sushkaahara, alpabhojan, ativyayama, abhighata, and sthoulya can cause vata vridhi, which results in sandhigata vata. If this condition is left untreated, it can progress to an advanced stage, which causes wear and tear on joints.
The acute stage of OA is easily manageable with Ayurvedic therapies. In the chronic stage, periodic check-up’s and specific therapies are indicated, which help prevent further progression of the disease. Abhyangam, upanaham, vasti, and various types of potali treatments are some of the authentic ayurvedic therapies. Practicing yoga and specific exercises under guidance will help to strengthen the muscles while relaxing the mind and body.